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In her teen years, Brooklynn traveled with several mission teams to various countries, specifically both Nicaragua and Niger, Africa. Even then, she embraced her time of ministry with the mindset of children’s ministry, and God has opened doors for her to bring her experience to the area of Myrtle Beach. Seeing so many desperate needs on the mission field, serving amid the hunger of hurting people and experiencing the tangible presence of God  to heal lives, restore families, and mend the brokenness of the old and young, passion was stirred in Brooklynn to carry that same presence into the hearts and lives of kids of every age.

As a Staff Director, along with her amazing team, Brooklynn is able to share the true meaning of being a “Child of God” each and every week with the  love, the fun, and the excitement of KIDS LIFE at SLC!


Brooklyn Brazell

SLC Staff Director of Kids Life

Brooklynn Brazell was basically raised in church and has always been involved in ministry at every turn of her life. From those seeds planted in her own life, she offers a genuine heart to see kids learn to serve the Lord. She has dedicated herself to express the love of Christ through every interaction, and her experience in childcare has afforded her multiple opportunities to “feel” the heart of a child

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